Miyerkules, Marso 14, 2012

Young people as a WINNER

''Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth''
                                               (Ecclesiastes 12:1)

Look at the picture below;

These are the young people of God, a winner and leader of every people.

These Young people as a winners
Angeline is a champion of Star powe singing contest

Ejay is the Pinoy bhig winner in Pinoy big brother teen edition

Jovit is athe 1st grand champion in Pilipinas got talent

Kim is the First Teen big winner in Pinoy big brother teen edition

These Famous Young people who win in a contest shall be a good model to influence other youth.

The high school musical is a group of teenager. They is a winner, winner bec. of being famous all over the world.

But in how can we say that a youth is a winner? Yes... They are winner if they achieve there goal. But on the other side, winners is about overcoming some temptation in the environment, overcoming some challenges and to finish there study.]


     ''The horse win the race bec. of the whip in pain''. And also us. We feel pain pain in our life Bec. God wants us to win. How can we say that we are a winner if we dont know the feeling of a looser? The secret of becoming a winner is to have a God in our life. A god that drives us, bless us and obeys us in every day.
      Whatever situation we have, Just give it all the God to win in Life.

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