Lunes, Marso 26, 2012

Eduardo L. Joson Memorial College a school for deserving Novo Ecijano Youth

      Eduardo L. Joson Memorial College is a educational Institution where established by the term of Gov. Eduardo  Joson by the year 2005. The said school was renamed to the great patriach of Nueva Ecija Gov. Eduardo L. ''Tatang'' Joson. It is the only school i ever know that offers a full scholarship from 1st year to 4th year(OJ.T)

 the ELJMC is located at Barangay Singalat Palayan City Nueva Ecija. it offers the following;

-100% scholarship(free tuition fees)
-frees uniforms
-free dorm accommodation on the 1st class          dormitories
-free used of Nueva Ecija's                                                Grandstand
-free used of Nueva Ecija's Convention Center

 it also gives a high standard of teaching and motivate the students to became a competetive college graduate, with the used of school facilities.

The school offers the following courses;
     -Bachelor Of Science In Business                                                                Administration   
     -Bachelor Of Science In Accountancy
     -Bachelor Of Science In Secondary  Education
     -Bachelor OF Science In Elementary Education
     -College of Business Education
     -College of Teachers Education

see what ELJMCian's got;

To those who are willing to became a part of ELJMC, you need to get the CAST or College Admission Examination Test and must have an average not lower than 85. Specially, You are a Novo Ecijano . Deserving Youth of the Province.

Experience being a Scholar:

Proud To Became a ELJMCian...

Miyerkules, Marso 21, 2012

where is the love

where is the love by black eyed peas

The song where is the love clearly describes the present world that we are all living in. Violence and terrorism are escalating. These things have become a common household issue. If we are going to decipher the song line per line, there are many sociological issues being taken into serious consideration, like racism and terrorism. Moreover, the rap song clearly states how the media is of great influence to the youth. Why is this so? Since violence creates so much hype and interests in the world, broadcasting them generates lots of profits for the media company. They never consider what impacts it causes to the minds of the people watching it especially the younger ones.
If I were a sociologist, I will summarize the song into its main two key points. First will be the ongoing war in the middle-east and in other parts of the globe. Second will be the too much attention to violence that the media 


''The way for a young man to rise is to improve himself in every way he can, never suspecting that anybody wishes to hinder him.''
Abraham Lincoln 

Exactly that is right. If you want a success, always do your best, and God will do the rest. Never afraid or doubt to do good things, for we will reap that someday=) Success is more permanent when we achieve it without destroying the principles of others.

Well, personal growing starts when we have the initiative to step out of our cofort zone and do things we coudnt do. That is one fact of life.

Watch this video and you will know the possesion of every youth


                                       VOICE OFTRUTH by: CASTING CROWN

            Normally the word “truth” is taken to mean “an idea corresponding with some sort of
  reality” But when we talk about the truth spiritualy, it is refer to the right way, to the One, and that is Walking in the way
  of God. Well in our generation, sad to say that somebody did not know about truth. The only thing they know is all about
   there life, there money, there bad works and other immoral activity.

Truth is defined by one source as “sincerity in action, character, and utterance” [1]Perhaps the most famous verse about truth in the Bible is what Jesus said “… I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) So Jesus is truth and Jesus is also the Word (John 1:1, 14).  As Christians we believe that every word in the Bible is true; this is the foundation upon which we live our lives. Knowing what the Bible says about truth and hiding God’s word in our heart helps us to know when we are listening to the Voice of Truth. Here are twenty great scripture quotes about truth.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. JOHN 14:14
do not afraid to walk in the way of truth. 

Living with God is the Truth in life. The Voice of truth tells many story. the voice of truth 
says never be afraid, the voice of truth will make you a good story. so from now on, let us choose to listen to the voice of truth. Because JESUS is the VOICE OF TRUTH

Lunes, Marso 19, 2012


       The fulfillment of all our dreams is with God.We can achieve anything we want if we are going to commit to God and also committed on persistent. Well what way do you want to achieve your dream? In doing a bad things, in being a ''crab mentality'' in destroying the principles of others?  And in what time do you say that your dream is totally achieved? I encourage you that if you want make your dream come true, yes, it can, in what way? By having God in your life obeyed before you.

                                             NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE by planet shakers..

      If you think that it is impossible, always remember that the impossible to man is possible to God. If God gave his only begotten son, what are the things that God didn't give to us?

      Success is more permanent when you achieve it without destroying the principles of others.Never worry about the delay of your success compared to others. Because construction of PALACE takes more time than an ordinary BUILDING. Life is not all about back and wishing that today is wishing as the past. Life is moving on , accepting changes and looking forward to what makes you stronger and more complete, and never too late to change one.

TRUST- to His timing
RELAY- to His promises
WAIT- to his answers
BELIEVE- in His miracle
REJOICE- in His goodness

Biyernes, Marso 16, 2012


Good day people. As we move on, we will tackle about the responsibility of every youth. For your own words,  what is your responsibility? Well for every youth, let us know if what is our responsibility... well i would like to encourage you watching this video..

 Janela Lelis - Isinalba ang watawat ng Pilipinas mula sa baha ni Bagyong Juaning sa Albay. Courtesy on Youtube.

Well If we are going to watch, it is only a news. But if we try to know what is the essence of it, it is all about the RESPONSIBILITY..
 A responsible youth is..
     .Seeking God above all
     .Know the time on how he/she is right or wrong
     .He Respect a people and every opinion, Accepting a individual           
     .There is a sense of responsibility and humanity.

 im encourage when i watch this video on tv. So in every simple thing we do, there is reward, simple or extra special

One of the traits of being a reponsible is to know God above all. 
'' I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth''
     -3 John 1:4

To the readers in my article, ask yourself.. What is your responsibility to help in our country? If you have, then i challenge you to do it now. Dont ask your country on what it can do to you, Ask Yourself on what you can do on our country.

Huwebes, Marso 15, 2012

Youth is the best a Leader

Young people is the louder voice in our society, bec. someday, we as a youth will become a Best leader. 

how long must we wait for a hero if we know that we are a hero itself? Youth, let us stand for our fatherland. Walk with the right way and be responsible in our task. What more important is by helping other people in a better way.


Miyerkules, Marso 14, 2012

Young people as a WINNER

''Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth''
                                               (Ecclesiastes 12:1)

Look at the picture below;

These are the young people of God, a winner and leader of every people.

These Young people as a winners
Angeline is a champion of Star powe singing contest

Ejay is the Pinoy bhig winner in Pinoy big brother teen edition

Jovit is athe 1st grand champion in Pilipinas got talent

Kim is the First Teen big winner in Pinoy big brother teen edition

These Famous Young people who win in a contest shall be a good model to influence other youth.

The high school musical is a group of teenager. They is a winner, winner bec. of being famous all over the world.

But in how can we say that a youth is a winner? Yes... They are winner if they achieve there goal. But on the other side, winners is about overcoming some temptation in the environment, overcoming some challenges and to finish there study.]


     ''The horse win the race bec. of the whip in pain''. And also us. We feel pain pain in our life Bec. God wants us to win. How can we say that we are a winner if we dont know the feeling of a looser? The secret of becoming a winner is to have a God in our life. A god that drives us, bless us and obeys us in every day.
      Whatever situation we have, Just give it all the God to win in Life.

Lunes, Marso 12, 2012

A call for YOUTH

Good day everyone. welcome to my blog. Are you ready to know what is the message to every teenager?

Well in our teenage life, what do you think we can do to help in our society? It is to have a gf\bf? to have a lot of material things? a plenty of money? to join in a praternity\sorority? What do you think is the essence of this? Well actually it is good enough that in our generation we know how to handle our life , through doing a good things, and knowing the one- Jesus Christ who save us from death to life.


In order to go forward i all branches, God calls for youth courage. He has choosen the youth for the aid in advancement of his cause. To plan with clear mind and execute with courages, he assign every youth for a responsibility, to lead and to became a better person.
To my co-young people for today, what will you choose to lived in, a life that full of joy, hapiness, fulfillment and courage, because listening to GOD, or a life that always sad, doing what always you want, always frustrated and a problem of the society?


Ephesians 6:1-3 “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother—which is the first commandment with a promise— that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” (NIV)

youth, let us follow God, For he know everything.